Wednesday, 24 April 2013

This is probably my favourite page. I like these samples and lot more and I think they work well with representing memories and working with layers at the same time. I used materials to layer on all of these photo's that related to the times they were taken. The first one I ripped up parts of a paper bag that I got that same week. I positioned it around the main focus of the picture, as I have done with all the pictures on this page. The top right one is a picture of my friends on the train and on top of that I ripped up the train ticket that I bought on that same train and layered those pieces on top of the picture around my friends. The bottom left one was taken on Halloween and this is my favourite piece because I used sweet wrappers to layer on top. This, and the train ticket piece are my favourites because they also have the most texture to them and are more 3D than the others. The bottom right photo was taken on the night of a day we went to a theme park and took our own food in sandwich bags and so I trapped this photo in between  two pieces of plastic to make it seem as thought the picture is now the sandwich and reminds me of that day. I like all these piece because they mix both the memorabilia and the photo's together in the same place and closely.
I found some beads at home and wanted to incorporate these into my work somehow but I didn't want the to be barely seen and so instead of trapping them in between layers of fabric I just decided to sew them on to a piece of fabric instead. I liked that you could see them and I'm thinking about doing some more with beads sewn on top of the fabric. The next piece down I put in a piece of paper just to secure it because I didn't want to sew this piece down being as it's more of a pocket and I thought you could take things out and replace them with other things but then I realised that it wouldn't go with my theme of memories. You can't swap and replace memories so I don't think I'll be using this idea of a pocket again. I liked using bead though so I went an bought some alphabet beads and sown them to some fabric spelling out the word 'sun' but instead of just leaving it, I decided to put a layer of fabric over it and sew them together to trap the word. I like the idea of trapping words.
Below I decided to use words some more but going more with Richter's way of working with paint over photo's. I used words that were relevant to the time the photo's were taken. I used green and purple on the top photo because of the frog relating to nature and the purple because it was night time and the colour reminds me of one of the friends I was with. The bottom picture I also painted a smiley face as well as painting words. The smiley, I think, expresses my happiness and contentment at that time more that words could. I like this idea but I wonder if it was a little too cartoony and so I don't know if I'll use it again.
The two photo's on this page were taken on the same day on a weekend holiday at the beach. I used bright, happy colours on these photo's and used a paintbrush to make swirly lines. I decided to be spontaneous and remember how I was feeling at that particular time and let the paintbrush describe my emotions through the patterns I created. I used purple on the photo on the right because it's a colour people associate with luxury and riches. I used it because the picture shows a lot of tickets you get in arcades which you can trade in for prizes and me and my friend who won these felt rich because we were able to trade them in for a lot of prizes. I used the orange in  bold stripes on the picture on the left to bring attention to the name 'Jodz' and painted the number 4 bigger and outlined it as I was 4th on the leader board and I was proud so this represents the big achievement it was for me personally. The sample I made trapped one of the tickets we had won. I chose black material and I think that worked very well being as the ticket was yellow and bright and you could still see through the fabric. I used yellow and orange thread because those colours and the way I stitched them reminded me of the arcades and the flashing orange and yellow lights there. I am please with this particular piece and page.
The first picture at the top, Richter's piece of a snowy landscape came to mind and instantly inspired me and I didn't want to cover too much of this photo with paint and small dots seemed appropriate as they also represented the snow falling on that particular day. I used blue instead of red like in Richter's work because blue is a cold colour; relating back to the weather and feel on that day. I also thought red would be too harsh and would send out a darker vibe. In the second photo down I wanted to capture the weather just as I felt I did with the photo above and so I used a paintbrush as this was also a nice relaxing but hot day which is why I used yellows and oranges, which are warm colours. I did small strokes around the boy to represent how it was so hot you couldn't exert yourself too much. The small wavy lines coming up from the bottom of the picture represent the heat and how on a hot days sometimes you can see the heat on the road in steam.
At the bottom of the page I was inspired my Susie Freeman's work but here, instead of layering the train tickets used in between fabric, I just layered the fabric on top and sewed it onto the tickets themselves. I liked this idea and after using two different fabrics I wouldn't use the red one if I needed to see detail on whatever it was trapping.
This is my first page of Developments where I tried out doing a couple of piece in the style of Gerhard Richter. I started out with a head shot and painted over it like he did, just for a little practice. I used dark colours because I don't like the picture and I thought these might show negative emotions. I also used a pallet knife to show these emotions because you get less control, same as the person in the photo had little control over the photo taken. The second photo I used was of a landscape from when I went on holiday once. I used the blue wavy lines to portray the calm, happy feeling I had there looking at the clear blue skies and I used a paintbrush for this because it would flow better than a pallet knife. The green was to represent the trees with their spikey branches. I also did this with a paintbrush because I was still calm and peaceful looking at these trees and this picture makes me feel calm and happy. I wanted the paint to show this.

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The last artist included in the question and who I looked at was Catherine McIntyre who layers photo's on top of each other. Although I thought it was kind of interesting, I didn't really like her work and I would prefer doing something a little more creative with my project as a lot of Catherine's work was done through Photoshop on a computer.
The second artist I looked at which was mentioned in the question was Susie Freeman who sews little things, such as pills inbetween layers of fabric. I thought this would be a great idea and wanted to try sewing instead of just painting so on this page I did a couple of samples and then sewed them on to the paper. I rather enjoyed doing this too.